In spite of oversleeping and not getting to the
Dane County Farmer's Market until 9 am on Saturday, there were no blueberries to be melons either. I had a hankering for cantaloupe and blueberries, which will have to wait a few more days. There were early Lodi apples, the tart, green early apples that let us know fall is coming. And there was Apple Cider, which is a very welcome relief to the fill-in orange juice we've been buying to get our fruit juice intake.
But Tomatoes, they are starting to ripen in the garden and we had our first summer bounty last night with fresh basil out of the garden, fresh, local mozzarella and balsamic vinegar. Can you say summer in a bowl? What a treat. And we're just at the beginning of the tomato season. I saw some awesome heirlooms at the farmer's market, but I have three plants ready to burst any time so I'd rather wait for those. Somehow it's much more fun to pick them out of the garden at home and put them on the table for lunch or dinner, or even breakfast. My largest tomato plant fell over twice due to an early morning storm on Sunday. It took some rigging to save it and to get it upright, but it's full of green tomatoes, so I didn't want to lose what is sure to be a boatload shortly.
So tomorrow at the Wednesday market I'll go in search of blueberries and melon, and probably find some other yummy things as well. Next Blog--blueberries???