They never close the schools in Madison. Last year it happened for the first time in about 10 years. This year they've already closed twice! It started last night around midnight and it's still going as of 9 am this morning. They say it's snowing between 1-3 inches per hour and we should accumulate about 12 inches before it's all done. The photos are out the back door of our yard...in the bottom one you can see at least one foot of snow on top of the crock on the deck. The Farmer's Almanac predicts 20% more snow this winter than last winter, which was an all time record for us, so we've got the shovels ready and we're bundled up watching it snow and blow. The holiday packages are mailed and the cards addressed and ready to go out, so I guess we'll bake today. Beast is already in the kitchen eagerly awaiting the next project. I think it will be fresh baked soft pretzels today, with a post to come with photos, details and a recipe on the next Blog.
In the meanwhile, Happy Holidays and Let It Snow!
In the meanwhile, Happy Holidays and Let It Snow!
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