There are so many things to do with sourdough starter and much of it is ridiculously easy. Besides awesome bread we have been making the most delicious tortillas, biscuits and incredible pancakes.
Here's the recipe I have been using for the tortillas.
Flour Tortillas Recipe Link
You will not believe how velvety smooth they turn out, soft and melt in your mouth delicious!
The first time I made them I was not sure if they were supposed to rest at room temp or in the fridge. I made them for Cinco de Mayo and mixed the dough the day before. I left the dough in a plastic bag overnite then looked at it in the morning and thought I had ruined it because it was so moist. I chucked the bag into the fridge for the day and took it back out after work and decided what the heck, I'll try anyway and see what they are like. After preheating my cast iron pan I floured my hands and grabbed a gooey handful and mixed it with some more flour then rolled it out. I knew as soon as I started rolling that I had something here. The dough rolled so easily and was great to work with. They turned out beautiful and you could taste the sourdough in every bite. AWESOME!
I have struggled with flour tortillas for years because they always get too dry from the flour and cooking in the pan. These were not dry at all. New favorite recipe!